Saturday, April 7, 2007

Betsy the control freak

In the spirit of family love I want to mention two things. The first is that I would hope none of us would ever say anything that would offend "the dark/other side." Therefore, I see no need for Betsy to "reserve the right" to do anything. If she takes this to extremes I will have no problem creating my own blog, no holds barred, where we could all continue the Footer tradition.

In an attempt to promote family unity I think we should all take a moment to mention who our favorite player is on "the dark/other side." For me personally it is Hideki Matsui. He is an extremely proficient baseball player and never gets caught up in the media or anything of the likes. He is the one Yankee who I literally fear when he is at the plate. He is the one Yankee who I actually felt bad for when he was injured in the post season last year. Speaking of which, I was more upset about him leaving the game today than A-rod's walk-off grand salomi.

On a different note, I think we must all realize, as Aunt Cindy mentioned earlier, that without Grampy the Yankee camp is missing their loudest fan. And just when we Sox fans think we have the upper hand we need to remember those nights when none of use could get a word in because Grampy had more than two cents worth of input. Those were the days...


Cindy said...

Oh AJ, I am missing Grampy so much right now! I would have called him at least twice during today's Yankee game! Anyway, my favorite Red Sox player is Jason Varitek. He always manages to pick up his team, makes a difference in the crunch times, and is a great catcher. Thinks all the time. He makes me worry when he comes to bat (even more than Ortiz).
ARod is definitely the player we fans love to hate. Hopefully this year will continue to be better for him. He's so skilled but so twisted emotionally.
As far as Betsy goes, she'll be the best of all of us for this blog thing. She's pretty even-keeled.
I forgot we have another one on our side....Kristin! She's a die-hard. So that makes 5 (me, Caitlin, Marg, Hannah and Kristin).

Jane said...

AJ, this is a great idea - I have to say that my favorite Yankee is Jorge Posada. I am basing this entirely on the fact that whenever the Yankees and Red Sox get into a rumble, he's never the one starting things and he never gets personal, but he's always got his teammates' backs. I think he really focuses on playing good baseball and helping his pitchers and he doesn't have too big an ego. Plus I like saying "Jorge Posada" - how's that for a good reason?

Favorite and most-feared are not the same thing - I totally agree that Hideki Matsui is the one guy that strikes fear into my heart (I used to feel the same way about Rivera, but not any more!). What a talented hitter. But I sort of resent that he's already taken the Godzilla nickname so we can't give that to Matsuzaka!

Betsy said...

Auntie...thanks. It hurt being attacked by my own. A nice comment from "the dark side" really means a lot.

Also, Kristin was the first Yankee supporter invited to the Blog. She assures me that as soon as she has a new computer she will join.

Keep up the good're well on the way to a permanent posting position!

Betsy said...

I will be the first to admit that I am rather ignorant when it comes to players on other teams. I know the big names, that's about it, and I would hate to base my decision on popularity. Basically, I agree with everything that's been said. Matsui is fierce...just look at him. Jorge Posada is a great guy, and like Janey said, I love saying his name too. So, what I'm trying to say, is I have nothing meaningful to add. :)