(I feel fulfilled now that I finally got it in here as I said I would in one of my first posts...if ya don't know, now ya know!)
What I was really referring to was....HOME-OPENER! And what an opener it was too. 14-3 my friends...now that's a win.
When asked what was going wrong, Mariners Starting Pitcher Jeff Weaver could only answer, "And the hits just keep on coming!" (tee-hee!)
In the only game downer...flippin Donnelly. You're up 14-1, and you can't control yourself? Honestly...
Actually, I was kinda psyched for the drama of the ejections - the first time Tito gets ejected is an important milestone! Maybe I should make an Eject-o-Meter...
Sorry guys, one more downer.....Timlin
Not worried about Timlin...as long as our starters and Papelbon keep performing the way they have been, I can handle a poorly performing middle reliever!
Oh yeah, you can always count on getting 8 innings from your starters, so Papelbon can close. Who needs a middle reliever!
I don't want to say I told you so about A-rod yet Aunt Cindy. But it does worry me that he is doing very well so far this season. Looks like both the Red Sox and Yankees hitting is starting to get on track. However, the story of all of MLB is pitching. Yours looked great tonight, and clearly we have one pitcher to keep our eye on in the future. However, I am really not worried about Timlin as he was literally reactivated only an hour or so before the game. I highly doubt he would have been pitching at all if it wasn't for the 13 run lead that he had when he entered the game.
PS-no team needs a middle reliever, they need three or four or five. That's why when one isn't working out, it is nothing to sweat about.
Yeah! That's what I meant to say...
Plus, obviously we don't expect our starters to go 8 innings, but I might point out that three of our starters have made it through 7, and only one of yours has! But Petitte is doing very well, I'll give you that.
I was merely pointing out that there was another downer in that game. And sorry Janey, but it was silly to imply that middle relief doesn't matter. I'm not worried about Timlin because he's not on my team!
As far as ARod goes, I believe I acknowledged my love-hate relationship with him several blogs ago. Right now I love him more than hate him. If this keeps up, I will be sending him flowers soon.
Pitching is coming together for the Yanks just fine. Bad start, they are clearly better than that. And they still managed to win the same number of games as the Sox.
True, the best pitchers can't win games if they don't get support from their offense - something which has started slowly for us. But I am of the mindset that great pitching and defense is what wins championships, and so I am excited to have a seemingly solid (and HEALTHY) rotation with some depth even if we get injuries. Usually it feels like the Sox have to rely on superhuman performances by the big hitters like Manny and Papi to make up for mediocre pitching, so it's a nice change.
A-Rod IS just cranking out the home runs...Really, it looks like the AL East will be just as competitive as ever this year, an exciting start for fans on both sides!
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