Thursday, April 12, 2007

A confession...

I wonder if people would be more willing to comment if they knew this little fact about me...

I know very little about baseball. Blogging I get. Blogging is fun. Deep down inside, I'm a computer nerd (with minimal knowledge of computers too, I do however know a lot about other things, I swear!). Baseball...all I know is the game. 3 strikes, 4 balls, 3 outs, 9 innings, infielders, outfielders, catcher, pitcher, most runs wins. That's about it, and most people know that too. Ok, I know about pinch hitting and running and stuff too. I know that my favorite team was inherited...but most people's is. I know player's names, but I don't always know what position they play. I'm getting better about this though. I don't read stats, I don't really even know what half the stats are that are listed in a game write up (do you even call it a write up??). But I like baseball. And I like my family. And I like that we have different opinions. And I like that we can banter back and forth about our opinions and have fun doing it. And that's why I Blog about baseball.


Ajitator said...

The so called "game write-up" is called a box score. And now I have a confession...I don't enjoy blogging, I take everything personally.

Jane said...

It's okay if you don't know all the technical statistics and stuff - I appreciate your "color commentary", Bets!

And I enjoy all of your insights, too, AJ, so I hope you'll keep blogging and we'll get some more family members involved too!