During the "nor'easter" last week, and while waiting for a run-in with Noah and his shipbuilders, I happened across an article in the Boston Globe. The article outlined how the rain delays were going to help out the Sox in their upcoming series with the Yanks. The premise was that Schilling was now set to start Friday's game, and that was going to be in our favor. Now, keep in mind that what I'm about to write I was actually going to post the day I read the article, but, being the ever-supersticious fan, I was worried I might jinx Friday's game. Although I'm now thinking that the journalist did enough jinxing on his own.
DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THE SEASON OPENER!?!?!?!?! Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of Curt Schilling. I have been ever since he used to play on the Phillies and practiced in the gym in my high school. (There are those who will fight me on this fact...but it's true, I saw him.) The guy's only human, as we saw on day 1 and again on Friday night. A-Rod took him to town, or some other more applicable cliche. This is apparently the current trend though for A-Rod, according to the other more-knowledgable bloggers here. Schilling pitching didn't really do anything for us, as was predicted, except give Coco a reason to fall into the bullpen and then redeem himself with some runs. You go Coco!
And because I like to spice things up with some pictures...for those of you who missed it...

Awesome pictures! I still maintain that Curt didn't do that badly...I kinda feel like when a guy like A-Rod is so hot, you can't fault the pitcher for giving up a homer or two, so therefore Curt really only gave up THREE runs, not five. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I maintain that I like Curt, and I think he's great. My point was though, basing winning a series on the rotation of your pitchers is futile, cause it just ain't true!
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