Sunday, June 17, 2007

Matt Damon on Letterman 06/05/07 RED SOX!!!!!

In a continued effort to spark some posting, I found this video for you all to watch. It goes along with all the jinxing and whatnot that has previously been discussed. It's getting old, I know, but no one else is stepping up to the plate. Well Janey, apparently we can add Matt Damon to the list of jinxers as well.


Jane said...

Hey, pretty good-looking company to be in!! Seriously, even despite the alleged jinxing (which for the record, I don't believe in either! okay yes I do. no I don't!) could I possibly love Matt Damon any more? Just the sheer gumption of showing up in New York in a Red Sox jersey - not just a cap, A JERSEY!

Cindy said...

Wow, he even jinxed the Mets!