Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Papel-Girls

Ok, we've never discussed this before, but there is a blog that Janey and I love that is called the Papel-blog. Naturally, it's all about Papelbon, and it is written by two girls who we have dubbed the Papel-Girls. They are hilarious, and so many times I have read their posts and wanted to copy their ideas for our blog, but I have refrained because I got through my entire high school and college career without any plagerism and don't feel the need to start now. Plus, I'm kinda funny without anyone's help anyway. But I digress...

I would like to direct your attention to this post: another night with ace killer. Apparently Janey isn't the only person with a jinxing problem.

I would also like to take this opportunity to again point out that I don't believe in jinxes, but it sure is fun to call Janey on all the ones she is apparently placing.

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